Our Healthy Walworth Review

Closed 19 Sep 2021

Opened 12 Jul 2021


*Deadline extended until 19th September

This is your opportunity to give your views on the road schemes that have been introduced in the Walworth area. We want to hear from everyone who has an interest in how the streets in this area are used.

You do not have to answer all sections of the questionnaire. There are questions about specific locations, as well as questions about the schemes as a whole. If you don’t know the location, or have no opinions about it, just leave that section blank.


Overall, across the borough, we have introduced measures on the roads to:

  • Improve road safety.
  • Reduce carbon emissions to help tackle the climate emergency.
  • Make walking and cycling an enjoyable, safe and easy way to get around.
  • Reduce inequalities in health and wellbeing.
  • Reduce the amount of cut-through traffic.
  • Reduce parking pressure for local residents.
  • Encourage people to shop locally to support businesses and reduce car use.
  • Improve air quality and reduce pollution and noise levels.
  • Make more space on our pavements for social distancing to help keep everyone safe from COVID-19.

The road schemes introduced in the Walworth area have the following specific aims:

  • Re-purposing the street space for the community to relax, enjoy, socialise and support local business
  • Tackling the climate emergency by encouraging walking and cycling for those that can
  • Creating safe spaces for active travel and play by reducing through traffic
  • Maintaining and improving bus reliability
  • Improving air quality and creating healthier streets for everyone

Cooks Road visualisation Browning Street visualisation

Visualisations of how some of the locations could be developed if changes are made permanent.

There is lots more information about the schemes on our website.

Since we want to understand the views of residents across the Walworth area and from all demographics, we ask that you complete the questions about where you live and your backgrounds at the end of the survey. This information will only ever be used for monitoring. We will not publish any personal data.

Why your views matter

The results of this questionnaire, as well as the engagement events we are carrying out this spring, will be considered alongside monitoring data from the streets themselves to produce a report and a recommendation to either:

One: Make the scheme permanent
If the data and consultation feedback indicates that the trials are meeting our objectives, we will recommend making the current experimental traffic orders permanent.

Two: Make amendments to the existing scheme
If the data, consultation feedback and safety considerations indicate that changes can be made to improve a scheme then we will recommend making amendments.

Three: Remove all or part of the scheme
If the scheme is not achieving the benefits expected, we can remove all or part of the scheme (subject to safety considerations).


  • Faraday
  • Newington
  • North Walworth


  • Anyone from any background


  • Communities
  • Community Safety
  • Environment
  • Health
  • Local Economy and Business
  • Older People
  • Sport and Keeping Fit
  • Transport